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WORKSHOP! Hellebore Containers To Die For
Hellebores are beautiful and inspiring perennials that bloom in winter and early spring with a wide range of colours, flower forms, and foliage types. Learn how to combine them artistically with a pallet of winter and spring interest plants and bulbs to create knock out seasonal containers to grace your front door, patio, and garden. Then plant up your own container to take home!
Includes instruction by garden designer Kate Herring and potting mix. Does not include the pot or the plants you choose. Please bring your own pot or we will have simple options on hand for purchase. $15 + GST
Link in comments.
#flowers #helleborusniger #hellebore #earlyspring #helleboresofinstagram #hellebores #helleborusxhybridus #wintergardening #flowersofinstagram #helleborus #snowrose #christmasrose #helleborusorientalis #lentenrose #wintergarden #flowerstagram #flowerpower #workshop #gardenworkshop #plantworkshop
WORRIED ABOUT TARIFFS AND THE COST OF LIVING? Grow your own food! For maximum calories and enjoyment we would recommend growing your own Mighty Mato grafted tomatoes. We have many customers getting 50-100 pounds per plant! And for tons of calories, you can’t beat growing your own gourmet potatoes in pots or the ground. Harvest in the fall and you’ll be eating them all winter. We also have lots of other grafted and non-grafted edibles to reduce your grocery bills.
Check them out in the Grafted Veggie Pre-Order and the Summer Bulb Pre-Order. There’s also the Citrus and Rare Fruit Pre-Order. Links in comments.
#vancouverfoodie #vegetablegardening #growfood #gardentotable #growyourown #veggiegarden #herbgarden #kitchengardening #kitchengarden #growyourownfood #richmondfoodie #growwhatyoueat #vegetablegarden #ediblegarden #yvrfoodies #yvrfoodie #ediblegardens #foodgarden #eatyourgarden #vancouvergardens #phoenixperennials #fabatphoenix #canadafood #canadafoodie #canadianfoodie
THE BEAUTY OF WINTER - I think we have a little bit of a different relationship with snow and winter here on the West Coast than many Canadians have elsewhere in the country. For us it’s kind of a novelty that happens once or twice a season – though sometimes not at all – and plunges our world into a colder, quieter, slower state. It’s a novelty to be enjoyed and marvelled at for a little while because we know it won’t be long until it all melts. For a few days, we feel a little camaraderie with the rest of Canada too. With apologies to those of you that are getting tired of winter. There is a beauty to how the snow sits on the garden. Here are some pics from my garden as I trudged around yesterday.
#wintergarden #snowday #winter #snow #ingarysgarden
LOVE THE SNOW! It might snarl the roads but it’s great for gardens when cold weather is in the forecast. Snow provides an insulating blanket that keeps delicate plants and garden soil warmer than the air temperature. With a blanket of snow, the ground might not even freeze even though nighttime temperatures have plunged well below zero. You can even pile snow up and around delicate plants for added protection. So embrace the snow, fellow gardeners, and use it to your advantage. #winter #wintergarden #snow #snowinthegarden #winterinsulation
34 NEW DAHLIA FOR 2024! It’s time to plan for your beautiful summer garden. Few genera can offer as much boisterous colour and a many beautiful forms as Dahlia. I, personally, want one of each!
Pre-order now in the Summer Bulb Pre-Order for spring pick up or Canada-wide shipping. Link in comments.
#digdropdone #rhizomes #springbulbs #bulbs #corms #summerbulbs #dahlia #dahlias #summergarden #summercolour #summer
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Email from Phoenix Perennials and Specialty Plants Ltd. Learn all about lilies and how to grow them and design with them. View as Webpage Hot Plant Alert | Mail Order Alert | Bulb Alert | Super Hardy