Magnolia macrophylla, commonly known as bigleaf magnolia, is a southeastern North American native that extends into the Caribbean and Mexico. It is famed for its huge oblong leaves up to 30 inches in length and up to a foot wide with silver undersides and its equally impressive extra large, fragrant, white, cup-shaped flowers up to 10-12 inches across with a hint of dark pink to purple at the base. The May flowers give way to red, spherical cone-like fruits in late summer. Plant one as soon as possible and be patient as trees may take up to 12 or more years to bloom. Until then, you’ll enjoy the magnificent foliage. Plant away from strong winds to protect the foliage from shredding. Appreciates moist, organically rich, well-drained loamy soils in full sun to part shade. For the 2025 Rare Flowering Tree Pre-Order plants will be recently potted in 15cm pots and about 1 foot tall.