The eastern redbud, Cercis canadensis, is native from southern Ontario through much of the eastern US. It has beautiful pink to magenta pea-like flowers that form in clusters along the branches and trunks in early spring before the mid green heart-shaped leaves emerge. The flowers are edible and can be eaten fresh or fried. ‘Hearts of Gold’ offers dramatic golden foliage that emerges flushed with orange, lightening to bright gold, and then to light green.Successive flushes of new foliage through the season will appear as bright gold points against the mature light green foliage. Tolerant of full sun. Leaves should not scorch as long as even moisture is provided. Plants are able to produce flowers even from a young age, much earlier than other cultivars. Will reach 10 feet tall in 5 years eventually growing to 20-25 feet tall and 15 feet wide. For the 2025 Rare Flowering Tree Pre-Order plants will be in 1g pots and about 3-4 feet tall. If you require shipping, the cost may be a bit more than originally quoted which we will only know at the time of packing.