Brunsvigia radulosa is a beautiful species from high elevation grasslands of eastern South Africa, a summer rainfall region, with large umbels of up to 75 bright pink (sometimes light pink or coral red) flowers. These plants are grown from seed collected from Lydenberg where the flowers are light pink. The flowers bloom at nearly 24 inches high in summer. The bulbs are about 6-10 centimetres across and produce 4-6 large, elliptical, leathery, rough-textured, tongue-like leaves up to 20 inches long and 8 inches wide that lie flat on the ground and are usually present at flowering or emerge soon after persisting through the winter. Keep on the dry side when dormant in summer perhaps watering only once a month. Plant the large bulbs with the neck protruding above the soil. Due to its higher elevation range it is considered hardy to zone 8 but is still best grown as a houseplant or in a heated greenhouse or sunroom. It’s perfect for those interested in bulbs and houseplants and for succulent lovers looking to branch out. Our nursery-grown bulbs are 4 years old as of 2022 and will reach blooming size at about 10 years old. Until then the foliage will be amazing.