Arisaema tortuosum rises to four to six feet on spectacularly mottled stems making it the tallest of the genus. The palmate, tropical-looking leaves are held near the top of the stalk from which emerges the jack-in-the-pulpit inflorescence. Out of the pale green spathe emerges a darker, often purple, spadix appendage like a whip-like tongue shooting up to ten inches skyward. Totally fabulous and a great conversation piece! Widespread across the Himalayan countries, India, western China and Myanmar. Arisaema are known as cobra lilies or jack-in-the-pulpits. There are only two North American species but many in Asia. They grow in moist, shaded, forested habitats and are great for adding cool foliage and floral intrigue in the shade or woodland garden where they can rise up and through other shade plants. In colder climates they can be grown in pots and protected in winter. Keep just above freezing. In pots, plant in a moist but free-draining mix of coarse bark and pumice or perlite. Pull back on watering when dormant.