Vancouveria hexandra

Vancouveria hexandra, the white inside-out flower, is a lovely shade perennial and ground cover native to southwestern BC.

Vancouveria hexandra, the white inside-out flower, is a lovely shade perennial and ground cover native to southwestern BC and points south. It is related to Epimedium with duck foot-shaped, bright green leaves and small intriguing flowers with reflexed white petals that looks like they have been blown backwards by a strong gale. Spreads rhizomatously at a slow to moderate pace.

Common Name:  White Inside-Out Flower

Family:  Berberidaceae (The Barberry Family)

Zone Hardiness:  5-9

Light:  Part Sun, Part Shade, Full Shade

Height:  12-24"

Width:  12-24"

Primary Bloom Colour:  White/Cream

Secondary Bloom Colour:  Yellow

Foliage Colour:  Green

Class:  Deciduous

Type:  Perennial

Bloom Time:  

Soil Moisture:  Average, Moist

Stem Colour:  

Fragrance:  No



Deer Resistant:  Yes

BC Native:  Yes

Native Habitat:  Understory of moist, shady coniferous forests.

Award:  AGM

Geographical Origin: