Uncinia rubra ‘Belinda’s Find’

Uncinia rubra 'Belinda's Find' has glossy, dark bronze leaves highlighted with bright cherry red leaf margins.

Uncinia rubra ‘Belinda’s Find’ has glossy, dark bronze leaves highlighted with bright cherry red leaf margins. This is a fantastic plant for tucking into containers to complete the perfect contrasts in a knock-out plant combination. Also great at the front of the border. Hook sedge is a clump-forming, cool season sedge that is evergreen in mild climates and native to New Zealand. It prefers rich, moist soil with adequate drainage and thrives in full sun to part shade.

Common Name:  Hook Sedge

Family:  Cyperaceae (The Sedge Family)

Zone Hardiness:  8-10

Light:  Full Sun, Part Sun

Height:  8-12"

Width:  8-12"

Primary Bloom Colour:  Brown

Secondary Bloom Colour:  

Foliage Colour:  Burgundy/Red/Purple

Class:  Evergreen

Type:  Perennial

Bloom Time:  

Soil Moisture:  Average, Moist

Stem Colour:  

Fragrance:  No



Deer Resistant:  Unknown

BC Native:  No

Native Habitat:  


Geographical Origin: