Tacca chantrieri ‘Green Isle’
Tacca chantrieri 'Green Isle' has incredible bat-like flowers with long whiskers. A super botanically intriguing oddball.

An unusual and rarely offered selection that has intriguing dusky green blooms with bat-like, long green tentacles. The plant grows to a height of about 50 cm tall. In colder climates they make excellent pot plants if planted indoors in well-drained loam. The long lasting inflorescence are also good as cutflowers. Taccas are often referred to as Bat Flowers or Devil’s Whiskers. Plant rhizomes upright, 75% buried in a sharply draining mix with lots of perlite.
Common Name: Black Bat Flower
Family: Taccaceae (The Bat Plant Family)
Zone Hardiness: 11
Light: Full Shade, Part Shade
Height: 12-24"
Width: 12-24"
Primary Bloom Colour: Green
Secondary Bloom Colour: Purple
Foliage Colour: Green
Class: Evergreen
Type: Tender
Bloom Time:
Soil Moisture: Average
Stem Colour:
Fragrance: No
Deer Resistant: Unknown
BC Native: No
Native Habitat:
Geographical Origin: