Symphytum grandiflorum ‘Wisley Blue’
A neat clump-forming comfrey with light green crinkled leaves. The blue flowers fade gradually to light blue.

Symphytum grandiflorum ‘Wisley Blue’ is a neat clump-forming comfrey with light green crinkled leaves. The blue flowers fade gradually to light blue. Will rebloom if cut back. Shade tolerant with a polite spreading habit.
Common Name: Comfrey
Family: Boraginaceae (The Borage Family)
Zone Hardiness: 4-8
Light: Full Sun, Part Sun
Height: 12-24"
Width: 12-24"
Primary Bloom Colour: Blue
Secondary Bloom Colour:
Foliage Colour: Green
Class: Deciduous
Type: Perennial
Bloom Time:
Soil Moisture: Moist, Average
Stem Colour:
Fragrance: No
Deer Resistant: Unknown
BC Native: No
Native Habitat:
Geographical Origin: