Scadoxus (syn. Haemanthus) multiflorus
Scadoxus multiflorus or blood flower produces fantastic red spheres 6-12 inches across in late summer! Like a fiery ornamental onion.

Blood flower, or Scadoxus multiflorus (syn. Haemanthus), is a bulb with up to nine leaves per season with sheathing bases that create a pseudostem. In late summer it will produce a single spherical flower head 6-12 inches across much like an ornamental onion but bright red with bright yellow anthers. The decorative red berries can remain on the plant for up to two months. Use as a pot specimen placed in the part shade to part sun garden. Keep above five degrees Celsius in winter or as a house plant.
Common Name: Blood Flower - [Summer B&B Pre-Order]
Family: Amaryllidaceae (The Amaryllis Family)
Zone Hardiness: 10-12
Light: Full Sun, Part Sun
Height: 12-24"
Width: 12-24"
Primary Bloom Colour: Red
Secondary Bloom Colour: Orange
Foliage Colour: Green
Class: Semi-evergreen
Type: Tender
Bloom Time: Summer
Soil Moisture: Average
Stem Colour:
Fragrance: No
Berries: Red
Benefits: Bees
Deer Resistant: Unknown
BC Native: No
Native Habitat: Lowland to mountain forest, secondary forest, forest margins, savannah woodland, open grassland and very common in the shade of trees at river banks.
Award: AGM
Geographical Origin: