Nandina domestica ‘Murasaki’ Flirt
Nandina 'Murasaki' Flirt has dramatic wine-red new growth and lusty blue older foliage.

This sport of ‘Harbour Dwarf’ has gorgeous wine red coloured young foliage that is retained for a long period while the plant is actively growing. The foliage matures to a deep blue green colour before developing red tints over the cold, winter months. Heavenly bamboo are not bamboo at all but well-behaved, non-spreading, versatile, evergreen shrubs that can be planted from part shade to full sun.
Common Name: Heavenly Bamboo
Family: Berberidaceae (The Barberry Family)
Zone Hardiness: 7
Light: Full Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Full Shade
Height: 12-24"
Width: 12-24"
Primary Bloom Colour: White/Cream
Secondary Bloom Colour:
Foliage Colour: Green, Burgundy/Red/Purple, Good Fall Colour
Class: Evergreen
Type: Shrub
Bloom Time:
Soil Moisture: Average
Stem Colour:
Fragrance: No
Berries: Red
Deer Resistant: Unknown
BC Native: No
Native Habitat:
Award: AGM
Geographical Origin: