Hydrangea serrata ‘O-amacha Nishiki’

Hydrangea serrata 'O-amacha Nishiki' has variegated gold foliage and pink lace cap flowers.

Hydrangea serrata ‘O-amacha Nishiki’ is great for flowers and foliage. The new growth emerges with pale yellow speckling that turns gold by late summer contrasting beautifully with the red stems and pink petioles. In summer ‘O-amacha Nishiki’ produces pale pink lace cap flowers that look spectacular against the foliage which develops red tints if planted in some sun. Mountain hydrangea have more delicate foliage and habit and are often smaller then traditional H. macrophylla. Mountain hydrangea tend to be smaller than and perform better in zones 5 and 6 than Hydrangea macrophylla.

Common Name:  Mountain Hydrangea - [Hydrangea Pre-Order]

Family:  Hydrangaceae (The Hydrangea Family)

Zone Hardiness:  5-10

Light:  Full Shade, Part Shade, Part Sun

Height:  2-4'

Width:  3-5'

Primary Bloom Colour:  Pink

Secondary Bloom Colour:  

Foliage Colour:  Variegated - Gold, Variegated - Cream/White, Burgundy/Red/Purple

Class:  Deciduous

Type:  Shrub

Bloom Time:  

Soil Moisture:  Average, Moist

Stem Colour:  

Fragrance:  No



Deer Resistant:  Unknown

BC Native:  No

Native Habitat:  Woodland to 1500 m in the mountains of central and southern Japan.


Geographical Origin: