Hyacinthus Blend Seabreeze

Hyacinthus Seabreeze Blend is a lovely mix of up to three different blue hyacinths with icy white to add some sparkle.

Hyacinthus Seabreeze Blend is a lovely mix of up to three different blue hyacinths with icy white to add some sparkle. For anyone who loves fragrance, hyacinths offer one of the sweetest and most intoxicating perfumes of the spring season. Use them in containers or in the garden. They are long-lived forming nice clumps over time. They will come back year after year though might produce less dense flower heads in their 2nd and 3rd seasons before bulking up again to full size spikes.

Common Name:  Hyacinth - [Spring B&B Pre-Order]

Family:  Asparagaceae (The Asparagus Family)

Zone Hardiness:  4-9

Light:  Full Sun Part Sun

Height:  4-8"

Width:  4-8"

Primary Bloom Colour:  Blue

Secondary Bloom Colour:  White/Cream

Class:  Deciduous

Type:  Perennial

Bloom Time:  Spring

Soil Moisture:  Dry, Average

Stem Colour:  

Fragrance:  Yes



Deer Resistant:  Yes

BC Native:  No

Native Habitat:  Limestone rocks and fields in dry places.


Geographical Origin: