Helleborus x hybridus WT Mango Magic

Helleborus Winter Thrillers Mango Magic has apricot, yellow and pink tones with central starry flares and picotee edges.

Helleborus Mango Magic is a vigorous strain that produces an abundance of very large 3½”, single creamy orange-apricot flowers with red flecks and edges. Mature plants can have over 50 flowers at once held up on strong stems above the foliage! The Winter Thrillers Series is bred by Chris Hansen who has spent more 20 years perfecting his strains. Exact flower colour will vary between plants as this is a seed strain. Deer resistant. Perennial Plant of the Year 2005.

Common Name:  Lenten Rose

Family:  Ranunculaceae (The Buttercup Family)

Zone Hardiness:  4-9

Light:  Part Sun, Part Shade, Full Shade

Height:  12-24"

Width:  12-24"

Primary Bloom Colour:  White/Cream

Secondary Bloom Colour:  Orange

Foliage Colour:  Green

Class:  Evergreen

Type:  Perennial

Bloom Time:  

Soil Moisture:  Average, Moist, Dry

Stem Colour:  

Fragrance:  No



Deer Resistant:  Yes

BC Native:  No

Native Habitat:  

Award:  GPP

Geographical Origin: