Echeveria ‘Dick’s Pink’
Echeveria 'Dick's PInk' has ruffled rosettes of bluish, succulent leaves edged in hot pink ripples.

Echeveria ‘Dick’s Pink’ forms a solitary rosette of large, rippled, bluish to purple-grey leaves that have attractively contrasting red to pink, frilled leaf margins. The leaf colour changes through the season and is more purple in winter and more blue when in active growth in spring and summer. Stout flower stalks rise above the foliage bearing large light red flowers.
Common Name: Mexican Hen & Chicks
Family: Crassulaceae (The Stonecrop Family)
Zone Hardiness: 9-11
Light: Full Sun, Part Sun
Height: 4-8"
Width: 4-8"
Primary Bloom Colour: Red
Secondary Bloom Colour: Orange
Foliage Colour: Bluish, Burgundy/Red/Purple
Class: Evergreen
Type: Tender
Bloom Time:
Soil Moisture: Dry, Drought Tolerant
Stem Colour:
Fragrance: No
Benefits: Hummingbirds
Deer Resistant: Unknown
BC Native: No
Native Habitat:
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