Delosperma dyeri ‘Red Mountain’
Delosperma 'Red Mountain' is an evergreen groundcover that produces masses of red and orange flowers.

Delosperma dyeri ‘Red Mountain’ has red and orange flowers all summer on shiny, deep green foliage. Very low-growing to about three inches. Ice plants are long-blooming and carefree succulent mat-forming perennials similar to sedums that thrive in heat, drought and nearly any well-drained soil. Very hardy but should be protected from winter wet either with very well drained soil or in the rainshadow of a house or other structure. Great in containers.
Common Name: Ice Plant
Family: Aizoaceae (The Carpet Weed Family)
Zone Hardiness: 4-8
Light: Full Sun
Height: under 4"
Width: 8-12"
Primary Bloom Colour: Red
Secondary Bloom Colour: Orange
Foliage Colour: Green
Class: Semi-evergreen
Type: Perennial
Bloom Time:
Soil Moisture: Drought Tolerant, Dry
Stem Colour:
Fragrance: No
Benefits: Butterflies Bees
Deer Resistant: Yes
BC Native: No
Native Habitat: Disturbed sandy spots.
Geographical Origin: