Dahlia Decorative ‘Hawaii’

'Hawaii' is a Dahlia that must have been inspired by a Hawaiian shirt with its crazy multicoloured patterns.

‘Hawaii’ has multi-coloured flowers with swirls of yellow, rose pink, coral, and white. The rounded petals are cupped and perfectly arranged to create a dense flower head. Dahlia are hardy to coastal BC’s winter temperatures but not to winter wet. Protect from rain in free-draining soils, plant in pots that can be moved and protected, or lift and store in a cool, dry, frost free location. They are moderately deer resistant.

Common Name:  Dahlia - [Summer B&B Pre-Order]

Family:  Asteraceae (The Aster Family)

Zone Hardiness:  8-11

Light:  Full Sun

Height:  2-4'

Width:  12-24"

Primary Bloom Colour:  Pink

Secondary Bloom Colour:  White/Cream

Foliage Colour:  Green

Class:  Deciduous

Type:  Perennial

Bloom Time:  

Soil Moisture:  Average

Stem Colour:  

Fragrance:  No



Deer Resistant:  Unknown

BC Native:  No

Native Habitat:  


Geographical Origin: