Cornus sericea (stolonifera) ‘Sunshine’

Cornus sericea 'Sunshine' offers a bright new look to the ever-popular shrubby dogwoods with its gold foliage.

Cornus sericea ‘Sunshine’ offers a bright new look to the ever-popular shrubby dogwoods. The healthy, vibrant gold foliage remains brilliant all season long. In winter the stems glow red in the low sun to excellent effect. Grow in average to moist and even wet garden conditions. Younger stems have the boldest winter colour. Plants can be pollarded or coppiced just before the leaves begin to appear in spring.

Common Name:  Red Osier Dogwood

Family:  Cornaceae (The Dogwood Family)

Zone Hardiness:  2-9

Light:  Part Shade, Part Sun, Full Sun

Height:  4-6'

Width:  5-8'

Primary Bloom Colour:  White/Cream

Secondary Bloom Colour:  Yellow

Foliage Colour:  Golden , Good Fall Colour

Class:  Deciduous

Type:  Shrub

Bloom Time:  

Soil Moisture:  Average, Moist, Wet

Stem Colour:  Red

Fragrance:  No

Berries:  White

Benefits:  Bees

Deer Resistant:  Unknown

BC Native:  Yes

Native Habitat:  Shorelines of streams, lakes, and swamps and at forest edges from low elevation to mountainous areas from BC to Newfoundland and south into the northern US.


Geographical Origin: