Brunnera macrophylla ‘Alexander’s Great’

A huge Brunnera like 'Jack Frost' on steroids. 'Alexander's Great' has amazing size and presence in the shade garden.

This giant Brunnera looks just like the classic ‘Jack Frost’ except for it’s size. ‘Alexander’s Great’ will grow nearly a foot and half tall and two and a half feet wide! It has dramatic silver foliage and the dainty blue forget-me-not flowers that we love from this genus. Discovered by plantsman Alexander Zukeivich in his Belarus garden. This is a plant for a big garden or a big pot!

Common Name:  Siberian Bugloss

Family:  Boraginaceae (The Borage Family)

Zone Hardiness:  4-8

Light:  Full Shade, Part Shade, Part Sun

Height:  12-24"

Width:  2-3'

Primary Bloom Colour:  Blue

Secondary Bloom Colour:  Yellow

Foliage Colour:  Variegated - Cream/White

Class:  Deciduous

Type:  Perennial

Bloom Time:  

Soil Moisture:  Average, Moist

Stem Colour:  

Fragrance:  No


Benefits:  Bees

Deer Resistant:  Yes

BC Native:  No

Native Habitat:  Woodland settings in dappled shade.

Award:  AGM

Geographical Origin: