Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’
Asarum maximum 'Shell Shocked' is a wild ginger with silver tortoise-shell veins on shiny green foliage and dramatic black and white flowers.

Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’ has heart-shaped, bright green foliage with minty silver tortoise-shell veins. The dramatic flowers are black with a white lobes around the centre and smell like mushrooms. Wild ginger is a great shade plant for the front of the border and makes a beautiful specimen for a clay pot on a patio table.
Common Name: Giant Wild Ginger
Family: Aristolochiaceae (The Birthwort Family)
Zone Hardiness: 6-9
Height: 4-8"
Width: 8-12"
Primary Bloom Colour: Black
Secondary Bloom Colour: White/Cream
Foliage Colour: Variegated - Cream/White
Class: Evergreen
Type: Perennial
Bloom Time:
Soil Moisture: Moist, Average
Stem Colour:
Fragrance: Yes
Deer Resistant: Unknown
BC Native: No
Native Habitat: Forests in humus rich soils at elevations of 600 - 800 metres.
Geographical Origin: