Actinidia arguta ‘Michigan State’ (Female)

Actinidia arguta 'Michigan State' has exceptionally large fruit with delicious flavour and great production.

Actinidia arguta produces fragrant greenish white flowers followed by small, grape-sized fruit with smooth skin with a taste similar to but often sweeter than the large, fuzzy kiwis found in grocery stores of Actinidia deliciosa. ‘Michigan State’ has exceptionally large fruit with delicious flavour. Produces 100+ pounds per year once mature. Harvest in fall. Requires ‘Hardy Male’ or ‘Issai’ as a pollinator.

Common Name:  Hardy Kiwi - [Citrus Pre-Order]

Family:  Actinidiaceae (The Actinidia Family)

Zone Hardiness:  3-9

Light:  Full Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade

Height:  10-15'

Width:  5-8'

Primary Bloom Colour:  White/Cream

Secondary Bloom Colour:  Green

Foliage Colour:  Green

Class:  Deciduous

Type:  Vine

Bloom Time:  Spring

Soil Moisture:  Average

Stem Colour:  

Fragrance:  Yes

Berries:  Green

Benefits:  Bees Butterflies

Deer Resistant:  Unknown

BC Native:  No

Native Habitat:  Woodlands, mountain forests, streamsides and moist locations in eastern Asia, China and Japan.

Award:  AGM

Geographical Origin: