Actaea pachypoda ‘Misty Blue’
Actaea pachypoda 'Misty Blue' is a white baneberry with bluish foliage and white flowers followed by white fruit with a black dot.

For those who love unique foliage, the delicate white baneberry (Actaea pachypoda) has been updated for the 21st century with a fantastic powder blue selection. Low maintenance and long lived, ‘Misty Blue’ will form a sizable multi-stemmed clump of blue to about two feet topped in early summer with small clusters of fragrant, white flowers. By autumn the plant will develop white fruit with a single black dot on each base (hence the other common name doll’s eyes) held on red peduncles (fruit/flower stems).
Common Name: White Baneberry
Family: Ranunculaceae (The Buttercup Family)
Zone Hardiness: 3-8
Light: Part Shade, Full Shade
Height: 2-4'
Width: 2-3'
Primary Bloom Colour: White/Cream
Secondary Bloom Colour:
Foliage Colour: Bluish
Class: Deciduous
Type: Perennial
Bloom Time:
Soil Moisture: Moist, Average
Stem Colour: Red
Fragrance: Yes
Berries: White
Benefits: Bees
Deer Resistant: Unknown
BC Native: No
Native Habitat: Deciduous forest and mixed forest with conifers.
Geographical Origin: