Acer tegmentosum ‘Joe Witt’

Acer 'Joe Witt' is an excellent snakebark maple with bold white, silver and green striations with red highlights that become more pronounced with time.

The snakebark maples are superlative medium-sized trees with fascinating, snake-like striations to the bark. Acer ‘Joe Witt’ is an excellent cultivar with bold white, silver and green striations with red highlights that become more pronounced with time. Young twigs are pure white later revealing the green bark beneath. In winter the tree looks like a ghost in the landscape. Golden yellow fall colour. Very hardy. Avoid full sun which can damage the bark.

Common Name:  Manchurian Snakebark Maple

Family:  Aceraceae (The Maple Family)

Zone Hardiness:  4-8

Light:  Part Sun, Part Shade

Height:  25-40'

Width:  10' and over

Primary Bloom Colour:  Yellow

Secondary Bloom Colour:  

Foliage Colour:  Green, Good Fall Colour

Class:  Deciduous

Type:  Shrub

Bloom Time:  

Soil Moisture:  Average

Stem Colour:  White

Fragrance:  No



Deer Resistant:  Unknown

BC Native:  No

Native Habitat:  Coniferous and mixed forests from 500-1000 m.

Award:  GPP

Geographical Origin: