Abutilon ‘Biltmore Ballgown’
The upright stems of Abutilon 'Biltmore Ballgown' are festooned with dangling two-inch orange bells streaked with scarlet throughout summer.

An heirloom from Biltmore Estate in Ashville, North Carolina, Abutilon ‘Biltmore Ballgown’ is an excellent and vigorous flowering maple cultivar. Its upright stems are festooned with dangling two-inch orange bells streaked with scarlet throughout summer. Just provide lots of fertilizer. May be hardy to zone 7 if grown in full-sun and protected from winter wet in well-drained beds and with mulch. Will blossom straight through winter in a bright window inside the house.
Common Name: Flowering Maple
Family: Malvaceae (The Mallow Family)
Zone Hardiness: 7-10
Light: Full Sun, Part Sun
Height: 4-6'
Width: 12-24"
Primary Bloom Colour: Red
Secondary Bloom Colour: Orange
Foliage Colour: Green
Class: Semi-evergreen
Type: Shrub
Bloom Time:
Soil Moisture: Average
Stem Colour:
Fragrance: No
Benefits: Hummingbirds Butterflies
Deer Resistant: Unknown
BC Native: No
Native Habitat:
Geographical Origin: