Abelia x grandiflora ‘Kaleidoscope’

Abelia 'Kaleidoscope' has long-lasting, fragrant flowers and variegated foliage in yellow, green, orange and red.

Abelia x grandiflora ‘Kaleidoscope’ is a pretty little scrub cultivated for its dazzling foliage and long lasting fragrant flowers. Foliage is small, oval, glossy and variegated. Expect more flowers in full sun. Spring’s display is yellow and lime-green turning golden yellow in summer then takes on fall’s fiery oranges and reds. Long lasting, fragrant white tubular flowers bloom in profusion from late spring to fall. Awesome in small gardens, as a specimen, informal hedge and in a container. Blooms on new wood so prune during dormancy. Low maintenance. Drought tolerant once established. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant.

Common Name:  Glossy Abelia

Family:  Caprifoliaceae (The Honeysuckle Family)

Zone Hardiness:  6-9

Light:  Full Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade

Height:  2-4'

Width:  3-5'

Primary Bloom Colour:  White/Cream

Secondary Bloom Colour:  Pink

Foliage Colour:  Green, Burgundy/Red/Purple, Golden

Class:  Semi-evergreen

Type:  Shrub

Bloom Time:  

Soil Moisture:  Average, Dry

Stem Colour:  

Fragrance:  Yes


Benefits:  Butterflies

Deer Resistant:  Yes

BC Native:  

Native Habitat:  Hillsides and open woodland.


Geographical Origin: