New Striped Roses

Striped roses are like plants with variegated foliage, they’re not for everyone but those who like them, like them a lot! And even many of those who say they don’t like them come around eventually.

Striped roses make an intriguing and bold statement in the garden with their bicolour or multicoloured flowers. Every flower is different and, indeed, every petal is different. A single plant becomes an amazing study in every degree of striping from lightly striped and flecked to boldly bicoloured.

Just like variegated foliage, striped roses are best planted as a focal point where anyone visiting your garden can understand that your choice of such a crazy flower is by design and deliberate. Plant them front and centre in the middle of a border, in a large pot, symmetrically on either side of a gate, or in any location that will show them off. Be proud of your choice of a striped rose. If you don’t look confident by planting it front and centre, your gardening friends might question your sense of taste. Anything this bold should be given pride of place and look like it’s been done on purpose!

Now all you have to do is decide which variety you need for your garden!

Meet the Striped Roses

Rosa ‘Neil Diamond’ – Hybrid Tea Rose
Rosa ‘Neil Diamond’ offers large flowers in shades of rich pink to reddish pink liberally striped with white.

Rosa ‘Parade Day’ – Grandiflora Rose
Rosa ‘Parade Day’ offers rich fuchsia pink, spiralled, formal flowers variably striped and speckled with white.

Rosa ‘Pop Art’ – Rose
Rosa ‘Pop Art’ is a unique shrub rose bearing striped pink and yellow flowers with a strong fruity fragrance.

Rosa ‘Purple Tiger’ – Floribunda Rose
Rosa ‘Purple Tiger’ has incredibly unique striped, flecked, and dotted flowers in shades of purple, lavender, and white.

Rosa ‘Scentimental’ – Floribunda Rose
Rosa ‘Scentimental’ offers classic floribunda flowers in rich red liberally streaked with white. Every flower is different.

Rosa Meilland ‘Raspberry Cream Twirl’ – Climbing Rose
Rosa ‘Raspberry Cream Twirl’ is a repeat-blooming climbing rose with large, cupped, deep pink flowers with bold striping.

Give Your Garden the Phoenix Perennials Touch:

At Phoenix Perennials we offer over 5000 different plants every year for in-person shopping at our garden centre and plant nursery in Richmond, British Columbia, part of Greater Vancouver. Additionally, we offer more than 3000 different plants each year for mail-order shipping across Canada. Stay connected with our diverse offerings and all things Phoenix Perennials by signing up for our E-Newsletter and Alerts and engaging with us on social media. Happy gardening!