Mini and Patio Roses for Small Spaces and Containers : Small Roses with Lots of Flower Power

Compact patio and miniature roses offer you more options to plant roses not just in your garden but also in containers on your patio and on your balcony. You’ll be able to surround yourself with roses no matter where you are in your personal outdoor space. These cultivars are also wonderful for small space gardeners who can grow lots of roses in not a lot of space.

Container Gardening Tips:

If you grow these small roses in containers remember: fertilizer, fertilizer, fertilizer. Roses are heavy feeders. In a container, they depend on you for their needs. A good fertilizer regimen with slow release fertilizer and liquid feeding every one to two weeks will result in amazing performance and tons of flowers. You’ll also want a chunky mix with added bark and drainage to keep those roots healthy. Heavy compost in containers wouldn’t be a good thing. Use a good peat and perlite based mix and add about 30% large, chunky bark. Then just give them sun and water and watch them bloom!

Compact Shrub Roses

Our compact shrub roses grow to just 2-3 feet high and wide perfect for small spaces and containers. We have the neon ‘Brick House Pink’ and then the Veranda series from Kordes known for their amazing breeding which includes great flowers and fragrance and top disease resistance. The Veranda series are bred in the English style giving those who love David Austin roses wonderful options to have these romantic flowers but on smaller plants.

Rosa ‘Brick House Pink’ – Floribunda Rose
Rosa ‘Brick House Pink’ has stunning neon pink semi-double flowers on compact plants perfect for containers.

Rosa Kordes Veranda ‘Fiesta’ – Rose
Rosa Veranda ‘Fiesta’ bears a profusion of flowers in shades of yellow, cream, pink, orange, and red.

Rosa Kordes Veranda ‘Brilliant’ – Rose
Rosa Veranda ‘Brilliant’ is a compact shrub rose with bright red blooms with a spicy fragrance. Perfect for containers.

Rosa Kordes Veranda ‘Cream’ – Rose
Rosa Veranda ‘Cream’ is a compact Kordes shrub rose bearing apricot blooms with a strong fragrance perfect for containers.

Rosa Kordes Veranda ‘Lavender’ – Rose
Rosa Veranda ‘Lavender’ is a compact Kordes shrub rose bearing lavender blooms with light fragrance perfect for containers.

Rosa Kordes Veranda ‘Mango’ – Rose
Rosa Veranda ‘Mango’ is a compact Kordes shrub rose bearing copper-orange blooms with a light fragrance perfect for containers.

Rosa Kordes Veranda ‘Roxanne’ – Rose
Rosa Veranda ‘Roxanne’ is a compact Kordes shrub rose with romantic, cupped, ruffled, English style red flowers.

Rosa Meilland ‘Abbaye de Cluny’ – Rose
Rosa ‘Abbaye de Cluny’ is a Meilland shrub rose bearing apricot blooms and a spicy citrus fragrance.

Miniature Roses

The Sunblaze series comes from Meilland of France. These everblooming miniature roses will reach 1-2 feet high and wide and bloom all summer long into fall. They come in a range of colours with beautiful flower forms. They are perfect for containers, patios, and balconies.

Rosa Meilland Sunblaze ‘Amber’ – Miniature Rose
Rosa Sunblaze ‘Amber’ has bright tangerine orange flowers that age to peachy orange.

Rosa Meilland Sunblaze ‘Bridal’ – Miniature Rose
Rosa Sunblaze ‘Bridal’ has pure white to ivory white flowers with cream centres.

Rosa Meilland Sunblaze ‘Dragon Fruit’ – Miniature Rose
Rosa Sunblaze ‘Dragon Fruit’ offers glowing fuchsia flowers with wonderful geometric forms to the petals.

Rosa Meilland Sunblaze ‘Peach’ – Miniature Rose
Rosa Sunblaze ‘Peach’ offers multicoloured blooms of pink, yellow, orange, cream, and apricot.

Rosa Meilland Sunblaze ‘Pink’ – Miniature Rose
Rosa Sunblaze ‘Pink’ offers charming flowers in shades of hot pink, light pink, and cream.

Rosa Meilland Sunblaze ‘Rainbow’ – Miniature Rose
Rosa Sunblaze ‘Rainbow’ offers a bright display of yellow, orange and red flowers.

Rosa Meilland Sunblaze ‘Watermelon’ – Miniature Rose
Rosa Sunblaze ‘Watermelon’ offers vibrant fiery red flowers that age to deep pinkish red.

Give Your Garden the Phoenix Perennials Touch:

At Phoenix Perennials we offer over 5000 different plants every year for in-person shopping at our garden centre and plant nursery in Richmond, British Columbia, part of Greater Vancouver. Additionally, we offer more than 3000 different plants each year for mail-order shipping across Canada. Stay connected with our diverse offerings and all things Phoenix Perennials by signing up for our E-Newsletter and Alerts and engaging with us on social media. Happy gardening!