Make Life Beautiful

With The Most Exciting Selection Of Plants In Canada

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An Award-Winning Nursery & Destination Garden Centre in Richmond, BC

Phoenix Perennials is a multi-award-winning, cutting edge, retail and mail order nursery and destination garden centre in Richmond, BC, part of Metro Vancouver. We offer what is likely the largest and most exciting selection of garden plants in Canada with more than 5000 different plants for our on-site visitors and more than 3000 different plants for our Canadian mail order customers. We offer perennials, shrubs, trees, vines, ground covers, succulents, edibles, houseplants, bulbs, and more, much of which we grow ourselves from plants sourced from around the world and from the world’s top breeders. You’ll find countless plants at Phoenix Perennials that you won’t see anywhere else! Sign up for our e-newsletter and alerts and join our social media feeds.  > Learn More

Order Your Copy of Gary’s Encyclopedia!

The Complete Book of Ground Covers

4000 Plants That Reduce Maintenance, Control Erosion, and Beautify the Landscape

Phoenix Perennials owner Gary Lewis’ compendium of ground covers for the temperate gardening world with 4000 different plants and 650 images!

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Canadian Mail Order

More than 3000 different plants a year for shipping across Canada or pick-up at the nursery. Discover Phoenix Perennials Mail Order!

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Place your orders in advance for some of the hottest plants of the year!

Shop in advance for some of the year’s hottest plants! Pre-orders are for specific groups of plants. They launch in the winter for pick-up or shipping in spring and again in summer for pick-up or shipping in fall. Order in advance to secure your most coveted selections. Most pre-orders are open to both local and mail order customers except where plants are too large to ship.

The Plant Encyclopedia & The Perfect Plant Search

Search thousands of plants that we are growing, have grown, or may grow again in the future. Use the Perfect Plant Search and our specialized searches to research the perfect plants for your needs and interests.

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Our popular bi-monthly E-News offers informative articles, gorgeous images, and updates on pre-orders, mail order, sales, and upcoming events. Our 21 subject-based Alerts are sent out occasionally when we have something exciting to tell you and allow you to tailor our communications to best suit your interests.

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BEARDED IRIS! Every colour of the rainbow can be found in bearded irises so there’s always a cultivar to fit your colour theme. Our Summer Bulb and Bare Root Pre-Order has lots of rare and uncommon cultivars available for spring pick-up or shipping. Link in comments. #beardediris #iris

#vancouverbc #gardeninspiration #flowers #plantlove #gardenlife #growyourown #perennialsofinstagram #gardeningismytherapy #perennial #perennials #vancouvergardening #richmondbc #gardeninglife #mygarden #plants #flowersofinstagram #yvrgarden #plantsmakepeoplehappy #lovegardening #plantsofinstagram #gardening #bcgardening #westcoastgardening #phoenixperennials #fabatphoenix #vancouverisawesome

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ALL ABOUT DAHLIA - Learn about the amazing genus Dahlia with all its colour and diversity for the summer garden, patio and balcony!

Article link in comments.

#spring #digdropdone #rhizomes #bulbs #corms #summerbulbs #dahlia

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BABY, IT’S COLD OUTSIDE! But it’s warm enough in our greenhouse for this orchid cactus to bloom! We have a big expansion of our orchid cactus and dragonfruit selection coming to you this year in the Main Catalogue and in our houseplant section at the nursery. New colours and forms. 😉

#houseplantlove #indoorplants #indoorplant #houseplant #houseplants #indoorplantsofinstagram #plantsofinstagram #houseplantlover #houseplantsofinstagram #phoenixperennials #fabatphoenix #fabatphoenix #orchidcactus #dragonfruit

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KIDS ALERT: Grow Healthy Children by Growing Healthy Vegetables with Them - Learn about all of the benefits of growing veggies and fruit with your kids in our latest article from our Kids Alert.

Link in comments.

#vancouverfoodie #vegetablegardening #growfood #gardentotable #growyourown #veggiegarden #herbgarden #kitchengardening #kitchengarden #growyourownfood #richmondfoodie #growwhatyoueat #vegetablegarden #ediblegarden #yvrfoodies #yvrfoodie #ediblegardens #foodgarden #eatyourgarden #vancouvergardens #phoenixperennials #fabatphoenix #canadafood #canadafoodie #canadianfoodie

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LAUNCHED! The Hydrangea Hysteria Pre-Order: 87 different cultivars that will make you go crazy!

We have a great selection of top cultivars that include tough plants for cold climates down to zone 3, hydrangeas for sun as well as shade, compact plants perfect for small spaces and containers, new forms and colours that will make new plant afficionados swoon, plants with bold foliage that will make foliage lovers take notice, and hydrangeas that are good for pollinators.

Spring pick-up or Canada-wide shipping.

Link in comments.

#hydrangeaquercifolia #hydrangeaarborescens #hydrangeapaniculata #phoenixperennials #fabatphoenix #hydrangeas #hydrangea #hydrangeamacrophylla #hydrangeaserrata

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EVISON CLEMATIS: The Best Clematis in the World - In this Alert learn all about Raymond Evison and his incredible Clematis. We have 60 different cultivars of his available in the Clematis Pre-Order!

Link in comments.

#passionflowers #jasminum #hydrangeavine #clematisflower #hops #verticalgardens #verticalgardening #vertical #raymondevisonclematis #schisandra #vines #humulus #phoenixperennials #passifloraceae #passiflora #lonicera #fabatphoenix #clematisvine #passionflower #Lonicera #schisandrachinensis #honeysuckle #jasmine #clematislove #akebia #verticalgarden #clematis #garden #passifloracaerulea

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The Clematis Conundrum Pre-Order with 187 top Clematis and choice vines for pick-up or Canada-wide shipping in spring 2025! How will you choose???

#passionflowers #jasminum #hydrangeavine #clematisflower #hops #verticalgardens #verticalgardening #vertical #raymondevisonclematis #schisandra #vines #humulus #phoenixperennials #passifloraceae #passiflora #lonicera #fabatphoenix #clematisvine #passionflower #Lonicera #schisandrachinensis #honeysuckle #jasmine #clematislove #akebia #verticalgarden #clematis #garden #passifloracaerulea

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Plants to the People!

Pick-Up, Courier, Freight, and Mail Order Shipping Services

We are pleased to offer many options to connect you with our plants. Please read about our various services and how these services are best used by our different types of customers. What type of customer are you? What are your needs? How can we get you the plants that you want, need, and desire?

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